How to Recover from Ankle Sprain?

Causes and Symptoms of Ankle Sprains:

Ankle sprains are a very common ailment. Ligaments are thick, fibrous structures that hold hones together. When these ligaments tear, it’s called a sprain.

Causes of Ankle Sprain

There are multiple causes to sprains, and most are associated with trauma. Running and impact sports put the ankle in precarious positions and can forcibly “roll” or invert the ankle in a painful position.

Symptoms of an Ankle Sprain

  • Ankle sprains are usually associated with pain and swelling and sometimes bruising in the side of the ankle and even into the foot or toes.
  • The symptoms of an ankle sprain vary depending on the severity of the sprain.
  • In most cases, people will experience pain, swelling, instability, and bruising on the inside and outside of the ankle and sometimes down into the foot and toes.
  • Walking can also be painful.

Evaluation of Ankle Sprain

Your physician will examine your ankle to check for signs of a sprain. Also, x-rays are often taken to rule out a fracture.

Prevention of Ankle Sprain

Wearing the proper athletic shoe, supportive brace, taping, stretching, and strength training of the muscles surrounding the ankle joint may assist a person in having a more stable ankle. Following an ankle injury, exercises that promote strength training and balance awareness will significantly reduce one’s likelihood of having a reoccurring ankle sprain.

Common Treatment of Ankle Sprain

  • Immediate treatment should include applying ice to the injured area, with accompanied compression (like an ace wrap) and elevation.
  • The sooner you are able to help control the pain and swelling from the ligament injury, the quicker the rate of recovery and return to function may be.
  • X-rays may be taken to make sure there are no fractures, although these are not always necessary.
  • Activity will be limited as a result of the severity of the injury and the goals of the individual.
  • Crutches, braces and even casting may be required to provide support.
  • The amount of weight bearing is usually determined by how much discomfort there is.

Active Physical Therapy’s experienced dedicated physical therapists and talented clinical team then design individualized treatment plans to achieve the specific goals for each patient per your doctor’s expectation. Call now for Quick Appointment301-916-8540

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