Tag Archives: knee cap

Patellar Tendinitis


Patellar Tendinitis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

The patellar tendon is the one connecting the knee cap to the shin bone. Like other tendons; this tendon as well is made up of hard string like bands. Patellar Tendonitis is an overuse injury resulting from constant strain to patellar tendon.

What do you mean by Patellar Tendinitis?

Patellar Tendinitis also known as Jumper’s Knee is a condition where tendon attaching the patella or knee cap to the top of the shin bone or tibia becomes inflamed, irritated and painful. This condition is more common among the athletes, whose sports involve frequent running, jumping and landing activities like basket ball or volley ball players.

What are the potential signs and symptoms of Patellar Tendinitis?

Pain over the patellar tendon is the initial and noticeable sign of Patellar Tendinitis. Other than this, following symptoms can be noticed in the patients suffering from Patellar Tendinitis:

  • Tender and Swollen tendon
  • Crunching sensation (Crepitus) during the knee movement
  • Feeling pain while jumping or kneeling down
  • Pain while beginning a physical activity
  • Feeling pain while climbing stairs or getting up from a chair
  • Swelling in and around the patellar region
  • Feeling pain while contracting the quadriceps muscles
  • Affected tendon feels thickened than the unaffected one

What are the causes of Patellar Tendinitis?

Patellar Tendinitis is an overuse injury and below mentioned factors contribute towards it:

  • Repeated stress to the patellar tendon
  • Weakening of the tendon structure
  • Repeated stress  to the  supporting structure of knee
  • Inappropriate foot wears
  • Inadequate training techniques
  • Running on the hard surfaces
  • Age
  • Joint laxity and flexibility
  • Misalignment of leg, foot and ankle
  • Flat foot
  • Leg length difference

How Physical Therapy can help to treat Patellar Tendinitis?

Your Physical Therapists will start a proper treatment regime after diagnosing and evaluating your condition properly. The treatment therapies developed usually depend upon the extent and severity of the injury. Therapists may suggest following treatment techniques:

  • Therapists may suggest you to avoid the activities aggravating your condition
  • Eccentric and Concentric program of exercises is designed to treat Patellar Tendinitis. These are the most helpful therapeutic exercises to treat the condition.
  • Splints may be used to immobilize your joint for a short period of time
  • Cold therapy is administered to reduce pain and inflammation
  • A Jumper’s Knee strap may be used by the therapists to lessen the pain and to reduce the pressure on the tendon
  • Stretching exercises may be prescribed to lessen the muscle spam and to lengthen the muscle tendon
  • Strengthening exercises are administered to strengthen the weak thigh muscles
  • Iontophoresis therapy may be used by the therapists
  • Electrical Simulation and Ultrasound may be used to limit and control swelling and pain
  • Flexibility exercises are developed for thigh and calf muscles and to maximize the control and strength of quadriceps muscles
  • Therapists may also design special shoe inserts to improvise the knee alignment and the functioning of patella

Contact Active Physical Therapy for the efficient and state of art treatment of your musculoskeletal problems and disorders. Our certified and acknowledged therapist use patient proven treatment techniques to heal your ailments and to make you as staunch and sturdy as before.